Datamation Systems Pvt Ltd - FiNAC FA(FIXED ASSETS MANAGEMENT)

What Our FiNAC FA Could Do For You

  • Maintain complete asset records by location, vendor and service information?
  • Track assets using barcodes, RFID and label printing to identify them easier?
  • Transfer assets to other departments and locations with ease with automatic updates?
  • Simplify your asset disposal requirements?
  • Grasp warranty details, useful lifetime and usage at a glance?

Features Includes

  • Measure total asset values
  • Depreciation calculations using your own formulas or presets
  • Report generation e.g. main summary, fixed asset register, depreciation reports
  • Dashboards to keep track of activities, costs and your assets’ performances

Request a Demo

Experience the power of Datamation firsthand - schedule your personalized, no-obligation demo today!